How the story of the hero was born

The Her-O project was created as a result of friendship, a spontaneous moment and a random song. It is the response of two young women, Alja and Eva, to the experiences in their lives.
They often encountered the taboo of sexuality, and at the same time the devaluation of sensuality, tenderness and intimacy in modern life. They decided to create a product with a story, usability and value.

An aesthetic monument of sensuality

Her-O je več kot le predmet ali seks pripomoček. Keramični falus združuje v sebi tako moško energijo kot žensko nežnost. Avtorici ne želiva, da ga spremlja humorna konotacija, ki je marsikdaj prisotna, ko govorimo o spolnosti, samozadovoljevanju in partnerskih intimnih odnosih.
Želiva si, da bi posamezniki bolje poznali svoje telo in lastne potrebe, kar bi izboljšalo tudi odnose s partnerjem ali partnerico.